1. To raise awareness among VET teacher/trainers of the value of
digital technologies and TEL in the design and delivery of VET
learning programmes in entrepreneurship.

2. To up-skill 12 VET teacher/trainers in the use of a
wide range of digital learning; technologies currently
being used to deliver VET learning programmes;

3. To create an innovative computer-based simulation called
E-GROWTH as part of a learning portal for use by VET
teacher/trainers engaged in entrepreneurship;

4. To demonstrate and showcase the value of TEL through the
development, testing and experiencing of TEL methodologies enabling
teachers / trainers from across the VET sector to benefit from adopting.

1. To raise awareness among VET teacher/trainers of the value of
digital technologies and TEL in the design and delivery of VET
learning programmes in entrepreneurship.

2. To up-skill 12 VET teacher/trainers in the use of a
wide range of digital learning; technologies currently
being used to deliver VET learning programmes;

3. To create an innovative computer-based simulation called
E-GROWTH as part of a learning portal for use by VET
teacher/trainers engaged in entrepreneurship;

4. To demonstrate and showcase the value of TEL through the
development, testing and experiencing of TEL methodologies enabling
teachers / trainers from across the VET sector to benefit from adopting.