Website : https://www.czu.cz/cs
Contact person : Robert Hlavatý
E-mail : hlavaty85@gmail.com
Telephone : 420224382181
“Founded in 1906, Czech University of Life Sciences Prague (CULS) is one of the leading life sciences universities in Central Europe. The large and constantly developing campus offers excellent opportunities for education and research. The CULS offers higher education in six faculties and one institute:
- Economics and Management
- Agrobiology, Food and Natural Resources
- Forestry and Wood Sciences
- Environmental Sciences
- Engineering
- Tropical AgriSciences
- The Institute of Education and Communication
Next to classical agricultural and forestry studies the university also offers programmes in bio economy, environmental sciences, nature protection, sustainable resources, special breeding, economics, informatics, management, rural development, technology and related didactics. The university carries out regular international quality assessments and evaluations of courses and study programmes, during the entire period of studies.”

Exponential Training specialises in the delivery of vocational training in the areas of management and leadership, coaching and mentoring and consulting. The organisation is an Approved Centre for the Chartered Management Institute. Established in 1998, the comapny has expereince of working internationally and working with agencies including the United Nations Human Rights Council, the European Bank of Reconstruction and Development and the Services Sector Education Training Authority in South Africa. company delivers over 90 per cent of its training and assessment programmes on-line and has benefitted from taking part in Erasmus+ projects including Learn, Engage,Applyand Perform (LEAP) and TeamMAte 360) which have enabled the company to migrate most of its learning and assessment to these new platforms.

Website : www.exponentialtraining.com
Contact person : John Moore
E-mail : john.moore@exponentialtraining.com
Telephone : 44 (0)1455 845071

Website : www.stpeuropa.eu
Contact person : Mrs. Marta Muñoz
E-mail : mmunoz@stpeuropa.eu
Telephone : 34699291736
“Professional Training Solutions (STP Consulting) as Training center is located in Zaragoza (Spain) and it offers training courses and technical support to private companies, public administration in rural areas, schools, NGOs and Incubators of Entrepreneurs into innovation in the areas of education sector, and professional solutions of non-profit sector. Contribute with our services to be qualified to work in a variety of professions for smes with accessibility of innovation and information for people and communities with a social risk as well as disadvantages.
Our main activity is to improve educational, social and cultural standards by intensive co-operation with other EU regions. Therefore, STP is highly active in the development and implementation of educational/vocational trainings as well as in the implementation and promotion of EU projects dealing with education, culture and society.
We work in two main activities:
Cross-sectoral training plans seek to equip smes workers with more general skills common to several branches of activity;( human resources, communication, ICT, finances)
Specific training plans in the context of the social economy.
Our organization opens and highly motivated for exploiting new opportunities for collaborating with different institutions from different countries and creating awareness about the need of using new methods in teaching as we think that entrepreneurship/smes skills and competences are essential and must be a part of education at all levels.”

“BEST CYBERNETICS is a a private owned Software, Consulting and Training company founded in 2009. With headquarters at Patras, Best Cybernetics has developed business activities covering the whole Greece and has developed a significant partner network and a large customer base by investing in long-term relationships of trust and reliability. Best Cybernetics aims to develop programs on the use and application of Information Technology and Communication (ICT) in the Education, Training and Business sectors. The company specializes in the design and development of web, mobile and multimedia applications providing full-cycle services (design, implementation, maintenance). We have expertise in design and development of integrated systems including frontend and backend environments that run across a wide range of devices (from desktop computer monitors to mobile devices), designed to support content management system (CMS), database management system, interconnection with cloud technologies, groups of users etc. The company has also a strong expertise in designing educational software. We customize e-platforms, organize e-courses, design and develop online training contents, produce multimedia contents, define learning strategies and promote virtual communities of practice. We also focus on the use of virtual environments for education and training, including mobile technology.

Website : https://www.bestcybernetics.com
Contact person : Ms Nicole Georgogianni
E-mail : ngeorg@bestcybernetics.com
Telephone : +306978984996

Website : https://www.empleoenred.org/
Contact person :
E-mail : gestion@empleoenred.org
Telephone : 915255099
We are an association of 21 NPOs (Non-Profit Organisations) of social action distributed throughout Spain that, since 1987, have been working together to improve employability and facilitate the social and labour insertion of unemployed people as employees or self-employed. To this purpose, we offer a personalised and complete employment service that includes information and career guidance, training for employment and self-employment, mediation in recruitment and networking as well as advice for business start-ups. Our activity is aimed at those who are actively looking for work, paying special attention to people with more difficulties to access the labour market: young people, migrants, women, drug addicts in the process of detoxification, people over 45 years old, (ex)prisoners and ethnic minorities.

Trebag Intellectual Property- and Project Manager Ltd. is a Hungarian private company in Budapest area with large local and regional network among stakeholders and actors in the VET sector. Trebag was established in 1989. Trebag has significant practice in EU project coordination, know-how and contacts in the following fields: development of vocational training materials and methodologies including e-learning and gamification, trainings, implementation of technology transfer and innovation chain management, R&D projects, quality management consultancy and dissemination activities; beside that Trebag is an experienced Erasmus+ partner. In the past few years, TREBAG has developed several training materials based on gamification and game-based learning, including serious games as well.

Website : www.trebag.hu
Contact person : Andrea Kövesd
E-mail : andrea.kovesd@trebag.hu
Telephone : 3626555220